Be a Missionary Online (The Song)

This is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.
1 Timothy 2:3-4

In his powerful message, Advance the Kingdom, pastor Kyle Idleman spoke boldly about the responsibility of every Christian to actively participate in spreading the gospel to all people.

God wants all people to be saved. Every. Single. One. But, “there is a problem if our monthly cable and Internet bill is more than what we give to advance the kingdom,” Idleman cautioned.

John Piper put it this way, “Go, send, or disobey.”

Join the mission

The good news is, opportunities to participate in God’s rescue mission have never been greater.

Internet evangelism is obliterating the barriers.

The Web has made becoming a missionary online very easy. Missionary giving is now simple too.

Tools for getting the gospel to those who haven’t heard – in the U.S and countries worldwide – are improving by leaps and bounds every year.

Video platforms and mobile strategies are going to be game changers for missions and outreach work.

Passion for those that are lost, hurting and in need of God’s love will drive the innovation for using technology and media to reach them. Prayer and the Spirit’s fire will fuel the movement.

A simple song sung by children involved in Child Evangelism, adapted here for Online Missions, has a profound message.  It reminds each of us to make sure that all people hear the gospel and the three most powerful words in any language:

Jesus. Loves. You.

Be a Missionary Online (The Song)

The kingdom is going to advance whether we get in on it or not. Kyle Idleman

Be a missionary online every day;

Tell the online world that Jesus is the way.

Be it through an email,

Online Bible study,

Social networking site,

In America or Asia,

The task is up to you!

So be a missionary online every day;

Tell the online world that Jesus is the way.

The Lord is soon returning;

There is no time to lose.

So be a missionary online,

God’s own emissary online,

Be a missionary online today!

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