While news networks around the globe were covering the world’s longest mine rescue, several Christian broadcasters were playing a part in the epic drama.Baptist Press told the story of how a Christian broadcasting station in Santiago was able to provide the trapped miners with MP3 files of pastor Adrian Rogers’ sermons and Bible studies in Spanish.
Rogers, the late pastor of Bellevue Baptist Church, was one of America’s most respected Bible teachers, communicating to millions through his Love Worth Finding radio and television ministry that continues today.
A few days after the story broke I talked with Cathy Allen, COO of Love Worth Finding Ministries.
Cathy, I appreciate you talking with me on such short notice. How exciting it must have been to learn that Dr. Rogers’ sermons had been sent down to the miners, along with food and water.
I was moved to tears to think that we had an opportunity to participate. We were all so emotionally involved with this story, and continue to be. There’s something engaging about seeing a life and death struggle and miracle over miracle happen every day.
So, to be a little bitty part of it was absolutely thrilling. I thought it was really awesome that they attended to the miners’ spiritual needs as well as their physical needs.
Your Spanish language outreach and a radio partner in Chile were part of the collaboration of people and media channels God worked through.
That’s right. El Amor Que Vale (EAQV), is the Spanish broadcast of Love Worth Finding, and we’re so grateful for partners like Radio Armonia, the station in Santiago.
EAQV is on 674 radio outlets and networks and on 245 TV networks and outlets too. And Lenin DeJanon has been the Spanish voice of Dr. Rogers’ messages since day one. He previously worked for HCJB radio for many years and was a well respected pastor throughout Central and South America. We’ve really been able to expand with him here.
This story must be especially gratifying for Lenin.
Lenin was thrilled about the broadcast being in the news, and that it was able to touch lives down at the bottom of a mine.
How is it resonating with Love Worth Finding supporters?
I have to tell you a testimony.
Someone wrote to us and said that it was heartwarming to hear of the involvement of Love Worth Finding in the miners lives. And that they had related to the story quite keenly.
They said they were feeling, in their own way, the depths of the mine, the darkness and the fear of the unknown in their own life. They were feeling smothered by circumstances and the nagging question of ‘Why me, God?’ just like the miners must have felt. They just wanted to say thank you to us, for working so hard to bring God-breathed fresh air into the “mines” of all our listeners and viewers.
How could you say it any better than that?
That’s just such a great description of what we do. We bring the light of Christ to the darkness of this world.
All in all, an extraordinary validation of the forward-looking decision to carry on the Love Worth Finding legacy.
Dr. Rogers always said this ministry is not about Adrian Rogers, it’s about Jesus Christ. And we have carried that forward.
The amount of time that has gone by since Dr. Rogers’ home going just shows that God is the One using this ministry. No person could manufacture something to keep it going. God is carrying it forward. We are right in the middle of His will and we will continue in that fashion.
You were so close to Dr. Rogers Cathy. What do you think he would have said about the miners, once given up for dead, getting the hope of Christ through his messages?

In our offices we have maps, you’ve seen them Gordon, with flags in the locations where the broadcast reaches.
Dr. Rogers was often moved to tears when he looked at those maps. And to know that this broadcast personally affected 33 Chilean miner’s lives with the word of God, when they had nothing down there, would have thrilled him to no end.
Dr. Rogers was a humble man, and all he wanted to know was that God used him. And to have been able to see that God used him in this manner would have been a joy to him.
Does an Adrianism come to mind to fit the unique moment?
Well, you know, I hadn’t really thought about that. Hmmm! This is the first one that comes to mind…
“What’s down in the well comes up in the bucket!”
In one respect, I do hope that the messages were deeply rooted and that God will help the miners recall what they heard and that it will come up in the bucket of their lives!
Would you give a word of encouragement to others using media and technology for global outreach?
We are all doing the same thing, and that’s telling the world about Jesus Christ. We’re all in this battle and I know it’s not easy. It’s not a battle against flesh and blood. It’s a spiritual battle.
Every person in this army of Christ is important, regardless of whether you’ve just joined the army or you’re a seasoned general.
And so I want to encourage everyone to be strong and to stay strong for Jesus Christ. For He is the One that goes before us.
“For we do not preach ourselves, but Christ Jesus the Lord. For it is the God who commanded light to shine out of darkness, who has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.”
That is our mandate. That is our cause. And we joyfully join with others. This is not a competition. This is an army of God going forth with the gospel of Jesus Christ.
And as a result in Chile, miner Mario Sepulveda is able to tell the world, “I was with God and with the devil – and God took me.” And Richard Villaroel, speaking for all the rescued miners, could say thanks to “God and all the people who made this possible. I never use to pray. Here I learned to pray. I got closer to God,” he said.
Thanks for talking with us Cathy. May God continue to bless Love Worth Finding, “Reaching not only across the globe…but to the depths of the earth,”as Sherilyn Saldana so aptly put it on your Facebook page.
Postscript: The incident described has been turned into a feature film about resilience and strength. Check out a review for The 33. Love Worth Finding and El Amor Que Vale daily broadcasts are now available to broadcasters worldwide for on demand delivery over the Glorystone Digital Network.