Reaching One Million for Christ in One Day Online

You have been hearing about Internet evangelism and discipleship. Do you know how it really works? Why it’s so important at this point in the history of Christian missions? This video explains how the spiritual battle for the hearts and minds of the next generation worldwide has moved to the Internet.

March Millions Gathering

With 2 billion people now online, millions are searching the Net for spiritual meaning.

On March 24-25 Global Media Outreach (GMO) increased its advertising and shared the gospel with over 2 million visitors. More than 200 thousand decisions for Christ were recorded. Over 25 thousand requested follow-up. Amazing historic firsts for online ministry.

Thousands of my fellow online missionaries had the privilege of responding to an incredible move of the Spirit in the lives of online seekers eager to know more about the Savior.

I got an email requesting prayer from a man in prison.

My friend Nick Runyon, who managed the campaign’s promotional strategy and operational systems, shared his thoughts about “Million Day” before the online crusade began.

You can still watch people coming to Christ LIVE NOW. Here are four more ways to get involved with Internet evangelism.

1. You can pray. Twenty prayer points:

  • May God get all the glory for everything that occurs through salvation and discipleship occurring online.
  • That Google and mobile ads will compel seekers to visit the sites.
  • That God would bless the thousands of online missionaries with His presence.
  • That not one person who has an interaction with the gospel message would perish.
  • That God would bring many Muslim’s to Christ through the Arabic sites.
  • That God would touch millions in Spanish speaking countries.
  • That God would raise up over 1,000 new online missionaries who speak Spanish.
  • That God would bless new sites in Vietnamese and Polish.
  • That God would pour out His Holy Spirit on America to draw people to Him.
  • That God would send revival using the Internet to Western Europe.
  • That God would eliminate distractions that would keep people from hearing His voice.
  • That God would help the team develop new mobile sites to reach young people.
  • That God would double the number of online missionaries this year to 11,000.
  • That God would bring more online missionaries in Arabic, Turkish, and Farsi.
  • That in the next 10 years God would raise up over 150,000 online missionaries.
  • That God would bless the writers as they create discipleship materials.
  • That God would bless the online community leaders and community leader shepherds.
  • That God would give great wisdom as creative discipleship approaches are attempted.
  • That God would bless pastors everywhere as they care for people.
  • That God would help GMO partner with pastors and churches around the world.

Each day the Lord added to their fellowship those who were being saved. Acts 2:47

2. You can become an online missionary. Perhaps today is the day for you to get involved in this ongoing effort to reach out to the thousands of seekers who knock on the Internet door and ask to hear about Christ. Get started now.

3. You can get your church involved. Your church faces a huge challenge every day. How do you encourage, train and equip your congregation to share Jesus with others? And how do you find people who are seeking and are at the right point to give their life to Jesus? The answer is the church online missions program.

4. You can consider a gift. There are many options to help share Jesus with the world through Global Media Outreach.

In the last few years, we have seen the birth of church online, live streaming of evangelistic events, online social communities, mobile ministry platforms, Christian web broadcast networks and millions of people visiting a website for no other reason than it presents the Good News of Jesus Christ and His plan for salvation.

God has given us technology for such a time as this. If using these tools in great outreaches or any other activity we conjure up is only about human ingenuity and commerce, it will fail. But, if it is from God, it can’t be stopped.

My sense is, twice reaching one million for Christ in one day online is just the beginning of what God is going to do.

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